Category Archives: Help





General Shortcuts

Ctrl + B = Bold
Ctrl + C = Copy
Ctrl + D = Delete
Ctrl + F = Find
Ctrl + H = Replace
Ctrl + I = Italics
Ctrl + M = Open Page Body Dialogue
Ctrl + N = New File
Ctrl + O = Open File
Ctrl + P = Print
Ctrl + Q = Exit
Ctrl + R = Timeline Review Mode (on / off)
Ctrl + S = Save File
Ctrl + T = Open Format Text Dialogue
Ctrl + U = Underline
Ctrl + V = Paste
Ctrl + X = Cut
Ctrl + Y = Re-do
Ctrl + Z = Undo


Moving / Ordering Lists

Ctrl + J = Move Up
Ctrl + Shift + J = Move to Top
Ctrl + K = Move Down
Ctrl + Shift + K = Move to Bottom


Navigation Shortcuts

Ctrl + 1 = Go to Objectives & Scope View
Ctrl + 2 = Go to Timeline View (in Standard Mode)
Ctrl + 3 = Go Activity Group Summary
Ctrl + 4 = Go to Activity Group Detail
Ctrl + 5 = Go to Action List
Ctrl + 6 = Go to Action List over Time
Ctrl + 7 = Go to Contacts List
Ctrl + 8 = Go to Issues Log

Tab = Move to next cell
Shift + Tab = Move to previous cell
Enter = Hard return (new bullet) / Commit
Shift + Enter = Soft return (new line in same bullet)
Ctrl + Right arrow = Indent
Ctrl + Left arrow = Outdent
Esc = Cancel (in dialogues)


Action List / Activity Group Detail / Action List Over Time

Ctrl + Enter = Marks an item as "Completed" and crosses it out


Action List Over Time

Ctrl + Left arrow = Move one page to the left
Ctrl + Right arrow= Move one page to the right
Page Up = Move one page up
Page Down = Move one page down


Export Reminders to Outlook

Export Reminders to Outlook

Export Reminders


Swiftlight can export reminders about meetings, milestones and about Activity Group start and end dates into your Outlook Calendar, so that you can have them in your main diary and be reminded about these upcoming events.

The following information is exported:

  • The title of the file;
  • What it is (e.g. a Key Meeting, Key Milestone, Activity Group start date or Activity Group end date);
  • The description text;
  • The date;
  • Who is responsible;
  • Who else is involved;
  • Comments


Each exported item appears in your Outlook Calendar on its date and either at 8am for a milestone or 9am for a meeting. In Outlook, each item is set to have a reminder pop-up 1 week before the actual date of the item so that you are fore-warned about the up-coming event.
(Note: you can change this reminder period from 1 week through the menus: Tools > Options > Mail and Calendar.)


Reminders can be exported to Outlook in two ways:

  • From the menu: File > Export Reminders – which brings up the dialogue below;
  • From the right click menu when you have selected a particular item


The Export to Calendar dialogue allows you to select which items you want to export. Use the tick boxes in the "Items to Export" section to select which types of item you want to export. The resulting list of items appears in the box on the right hand side of the dialogue. You can go through the list and de-select any item you don’t want to export.

The "Filters" section allows you to filter which items will appear in the list based on:

  • Activity Group: you can select all Activity Groups or just one of them;
  • Responsible: you can select all or one of the responsible contacts. This is particularly useful if you just want to export the items that you are responsible for.
  • Status: you can export all items (including ones that have been completed), or only those which are not yet completed

If you tick the box at the bottom of the dialogue, any item that you have deleted in your Swiftlight file will also be deleted in your Outlook.



If an item has already been exported, Swiftlight will find the previously exported version and update it, so you will not get duplication of items.

If you change items in your Outlook Calendar, these changes are not reflected in your Swiftlight file. To be clear, there is no synchronisation of items, instead items are pushed from Swiftlight into Outlook. So if you want to change something, it is better to change it in Swiftlight and then re-export it.


Export to PowerPoint / PDF

Export to PowerPoint / PDF

Export Extract



Exporting an extract from Swiftlight file to PowerPoint or to a PDF file enables you to put the outputs of your plan directly into presentations and documents and also provides one way to share your outputs with people who don’t have Swiftlight.

The approach to export makes it easy for you to export what you want since you can choose to export all, or some, of the pages in each view, or to export pages from multiple views. You can also choose the order in which you want to have your pages exported.

Further, with Swiftlight’s "what you see is what you get" (WYSIWYG) design, you always know what you are going to get since each page exports exactly as you see it on your screen.

PowerPoint Templates

By default, exported outputs will appear in a generic PowerPoint template with a white background, a blue line below the title section, no page footer information and with Arial font. However, you can export to your own template by using the PowerPoint Template tab of the Tools Options Dialogue to select a custom template. You can use this dialogue to change the default template for all files or just to select a template for an individual file.

How to Export

The simplest way to get an extract from your Swiftlight file is to use the Export to PowerPoint button on the toolbar (or right-click menu > Export). The resulting extract will contain just be the current view. You will be prompted to provide a filename for your new PowerPoint file and process is then complete.

To export a larger extract from your Swiftlight file, follow these three steps:

  • Select File > Export Extract from the File menu.
  • Selecting what you want to export from the dialogue, and click the "Export" button.
  • Select a file type (e.g. PowerPoint or PDF) and name, and click the "Save" button, and Swiftlight will export the pages you have selected to the file of your choice.

On selecting File > Export Extract, the dialogue below will appear. This dialogue gives you great flexibility in choosing which pages to export from your file and how to export them. There are three sections to this dialogue: Page Selection, Output Quality and Page Footer.


In the “Page Selection” section of the dialogue, you have three options:

  • Current page: which will export just the current page.
  • Current view: which will export all the pages in the current view.
  • Page Selector: which will open up another section of the dialogue, and allow you to select pages from multiple views and to choose the order in which you want to have the pages exported.

In the “Output Quality” section of the dialogue:

  • Resolution: use the drop down menu to select the resolution of the exported pages from 100dpi up to 300dpi (dpi=dots per inch). Lower resolutions are more “grainy” and will export more quickly. Higher resolutions are higher quality but will take a bit longer to export. 200 dpi is generally a good setting for most situations
  • Colour: the buttons allow you to select whether to print in Colour, with Grayscale, or with Black and White hatching. Generally, you will want to export in colour, which is the default option selected by Swiftlight

In the page footer section, use the tick boxes to select whether you want the current date and a page number to appear at the bottom of the exported pages.


Page Selector


When you click the Page Selector button, another section of the dialogue will open up and, after a short pause, the dialogue will appear as illustrated below. (Note: the pages that appear in the page selector area of the dialogue will depend on the view you are in. By default, the pages from your current view and the Timeline are selected to appear when you initially open it up).


The two boxes at the bottom of this expanded dialogue allow you to select which views you want to export, the order you want to export them in, and the order for individual pages within each view.

In the "Select Views and Order for Printing" section:
Use the tick boxes to select / de-select a view. If a view is selected, its pages will appear in the page selector section in the middle of the dialogue, and in the right hand "Select Pages and Order for Printing" section. Click on the up / down arrows to change the position of the selected view in the order of views and change where this view will appear in the overall export order.

In the "Select Pages and Order for Printing" section:
Use the tick boxes to select / de-select a page. Select a page and then click on the up / down arrows to change the position of this page within the export order.

When you happy with your selections, click on the "Export" button at the bottom right of the dialogue, and then the dialogue below will appear:


Select the location for your file in your folders, give the file a name, select a file type (PowerPoint, PDF or GIF), and then select “Save”. Swiftlight will then export the pages you have selected to the file type and name of your choice.

Note: The highly graphical nature of Swiftlight means that individual pages use a reasonable amount of memory. If you are selecting a lot of pages for export a) there can be a pause as Swiftlight fills out the page selector, and b) when you actually export, it can take some time for the pages to be processed and exported. Generally, it takes around 5 seconds to process each page (at 200dpi), though this will depend on the specification of your computer. A progress dialogue lets you monitor the progress of the export.






Printing from Swiftlight file is straight-forward.

The approach to printing makes it easy for you to print out what you want since you can choose to print all, or some, of the pages in each view, or to print pages from multiple views. You can also choose the order in which you want to have your pages printed using Print Advanced.

Further, with Swiftlight’s "what you see is what you get" (WYSIWYG) design, you always know what you are going to get since each page prints out exactly as you see it on your screen.

There are two ways to print from Swiftlight:

  • To simply print the current view you can select File > Print from the File menu (or right-click menu > Print or the Print button on the toolbar)
  • To print out multiple views and specify printing options you can use the File > Print Advanced functionality


File > Print

This brings up the standard Windows Print dialogue, as below. From this, you can print out all or a range of pages from the view that you are currently looking at on the selected on the Printer that you select.
Note: through the Properties button you can also select to print out with two or more pages per sheet as per the specification of your printer.


File > Print Advanced

The Print Advanced dialogue gives you great flexibility in choosing which pages to print from your file, and how to print them. When you select print advanced, you will first see the dialogue below which has three sections: Page Selection, Output Quality and Page Footer.


In the “Page Selection” section of the dialogue, you have three options:

  • Current page: which will export just the current page.
  • Current view: which will export all the pages in the current view.
  • Page Selector: which will open up another section of the dialogue, and allow you to select pages from multiple views and to choose the order in which you want to have the pages exported.

In the “Output Quality” section of the dialogue:

  • Resolution: use the drop down menu to select the resolution of the exported pages from 100dpi up to 300dpi (dpi=dots per inch). Lower resolutions are more “grainy” and will export more quickly. Higher resolutions are higher quality but will take a bit longer to export. 200 dpi is generally a good setting for most situations
  • Colour: the buttons allow you to select whether to print in Colour, with Grayscale, or with Black and White hatching. For printing, Swiftlight will try to detect your default printer and pre-select Colour or Grayscale accordingly.

In the page footer section, use the tick boxes to select whether you want the current date and a page number to appear at the bottom of the exported pages.


Page Selector


When you click the Page Selector button, another section of the dialogue will open up and, after a short pause, the dialogue will appear as illustrated below. (Note: the pages that appear in the page selector area of the dialogue will depend on the view you are in. By default, the pages from your current view and the Timeline are selected to appear when you initially open it up).


The two boxes at the bottom of this expanded dialogue allow you to select which views you want to print, the order you want to print them in, and the order for individual pages within each view.

In the "Select Views and Order for Printing" section:
Use the tick boxes to select / de-select a view. If a view is selected, its pages will appear in the page selector section in the middle of the dialogue, and in the right hand "Select Pages and Order for Printing" section. Click on the up / down arrows to change the position of the selected view in the order of views and change where this view will appear in the overall export order.

In the "Select Pages and Order for Printing" section:
Use the tick boxes to select / de-select a page. Select a page and then click on the up / down arrows to change the position of this page within the export order.

When you happy with your selections, click on the "Print" button at the bottom right of the dialogue, and then the standard Windows Print dialogue (as per the File > Print method above) will appear allowing you to select your printer, the number of copies etc. and select "OK" to print.


Status Reports

Status Reports

Status Reports


Swiftlight’s status reporting functionality allows you to quickly and easily produce a standard Status Report commenting on progress and any issues in your project. An example of a Status Report template is shown below:


  1. The top section of the Status Report notes the date of the Status Report, the dates of the previous and next Status Reports (if relevant) and the project sponsors and the project leaders
  2. The next section provides a space for text to describe progress and to highlight any issues you want to raise with the recipients of the report.
  3. The "Progress on Current Activity Groups" section provides summary information on the progress of Activity Groups that are underway or that you have selected to comment on. For each Activity Group, you can update the percentage complete, start and end dates, and status columns, and also make specific comments in the right hand “Comments / Action Taken” column.
  4. The next section provides summary information about Milestones that were due on or before the report date, and then in the subsequent section similar information about Milestones that will fall due before the next report date. For each Milestone, you can update the actual or expected delivery dates, and you can also make specific comments by Milestone in the right hand “Comments / Action Taken” column.
  5. The last section provides a space for any other comments that don’t fit into the above sections


Status Reports can be created from the File > Reporting menu.

Before you create your first report, you will be asked to set project baseline dates, which are the dates of Activity Groups and Milestones in your original plan (i.e. the baseline plan when you started the project). With the baseline dates set, you can look at and report on how you are currently doing relative to your baseline in Timeline review mode and through the Status Reports.

Status Reports can be used by themselves or in combination with outputs from other views (e.g. Timeline in review mode, Activity Group Summary, Issue Log, etc.) to provide a rich set of materials for reporting.

When the Status Report is saved, either in draft or final form, all the changes made in the Status Report are carried through to the rest of the file (e.g. changes to Activity Group start / end dates are reflected in the Timeline, Activity Group Detail views etc).


Creating a Status Report

Creating a Status Report is very simple. Follow the steps below:

  1. Open the new Status Report dialogue by selecting Reporting > New Status Report from the main menus. (Set the project baseline dates if necessary).
  2. Work through the three simple steps in the “new Status Report” dialogue screens (as below) to select dates for the report, and which Activity Groups and Milestones you want to report on. The dialogues will be pre-populated with the expected items so this should be very straightforward.
  3. Update the status of Activity Groups and Milestones and add your comments in the Status Report template as necessary.
  4. Save your Status Report. When the Status Report is saved the updated information about the Activity Groups and Milestones will be reflected automatically in other views such as the Timeline so that the plan is kept up-to-date.


New Status Report Dialogues

Step One:

On selecting Reporting > New Status Report, after an introductory screen, you will see the dialogue below:


In this dialogue you can:

  • Select the date for this and the next Status Report using the calendars. Note: if you don’t want to set a next report date, tick the box under the right hand calendar
  • Select the date of the previous report (if any). Swiftlight will use the most recent Status Report in the file (if any) for the "previous report date". If you want to select a different previous report date, you can use the drop down calendar. If this is the first report, or you don’t want to indicate the previous report date, then tick the "this is the first report" box to the right of the drop down calendar
  • List the project sponsor(s) and the team leader(s) in the bottom two boxes

When you are satisfied with your selections, click on the “Next” button to get to Step Two. Note: you can always come back to edit your selections later.


Step Two

: you will now see the dialogue below, in which you can choose the Activity Groups that you want to report on.


The right hand “Included” box shows Activity Groups that Swiftlight has pre-selected for inclusion in the Status Report, based on the fact that the Activity Group is either underway, or should have been completed since the previous Status Report. The left hand “Excluded” box lists all the other Activity Groups.

If you click to select an Activity Group in either the “Included” or “Excluded” boxes, then various details on it appear underneath (e.g. its name, start and end dates and who is responsible).

To move an Activity Group from “Included” to “Excluded” (or vice versa), select it and then either double click on it, or click on the relevant arrow between the two boxes.

You can also change the order in which “Included” Activity Groups will appear in the Status Report by selecting them and using the arrows to the right of the box to move them up or down.

When you are satisfied with your selections, click on the “Next” button to get to Step Three. Note: you can always come back to edit your selections later.


Step Three

: you will now see the dialogue below, in which you can choose the Milestones that you want to report on.

There are two sections in this dialogue: 1) at the top, for “Due / Achieved Milestones” that were due to be completed between the dates of the last and the current Status Report; 2) at the bottom, for “Upcoming Milestones” that will fall due before the expected date of the next report.


The right hand “Included” boxes show Milestones that Swiftlight has pre-selected for inclusion in the Status Report, based on their dates and the dates of the previous, current and future Status Reports (if any). The left hand “Excluded” boxes list all the other Milestones. If you click to select a Milestone in either the “Included” or “Excluded” boxes, then various details on it appear underneath (e.g. its name, when it was / is due, who is responsible, and to which Activity Group does it belong).

To move a Milestone from “Included” to “Excluded” (or vice versa), select it and then either double click on it, or click on the relevant arrow between the two boxes.

You can also change the order in which “Included” Milestones will appear in the Status Report by selecting them and using the arrows to the right of the box to move them up or down.

When you are satisfied with your selections, press “Finish” to open up the Status Report template, which you can then go on to update and complete.


Updating and Completing the Status Report

After clicking on “Finish”, the Status Report template will appear populated with the Activity Groups and Milestones that you have selected. You can now update the data, add comments etc as needed.

If you want to edit your selections of Activity Groups or Milestones (or the report dates, project sponsor(s), team leader(s)), you can use the right click menus (illustrated below) to get back to the set-up dialogues. If you right click over the Activity Group section of the Status Report, you get the dialogue below.


In this right-click menu:

  • If you click on “Add / Remove / Reorder Activity Groups”, the dialogue in Step Two of the “New Status Report Dialogues” is shown which allows you to update your selection of Activity Groups.
  • If you click on “Change report dates”, the dialogue in Step One of the “New Status Report Dialogues” is shown which allows you to update your selection of report dates, project sponsors and team leaders.
  • You can also save the report as a draft, finalise it or print or export it

If you right click over the Milestone section of the Status Report, you will get a similar dialogue to the one above, but with an option to “Add / Remove / Reorder Milestones” which will open up the dialogue in Step 3 of the “New Status Report Dialogues” and allow you to update your selection of Milestones.

When you have completed your edits to the Status Report, you can use the right click menu to save the report as a draft or to finalise it, or you can click on the icon for another view (e.g. to move to the Timeline), in which case the dialogue below opens up which allows you to finalise the report, save it as a draft, or discard all changes.